Well, our group escaped for the weekend and spent the past four days in Berlin. There are so many things to say about that city, but I must refrain myself for now, because we are heading into a lecture. However, one of the words for the weekend...graffiti.
I'm not sure I have ever seen so much of it in one city in my entire life. What is amazing is these artists are truly talented, what they can create with nothing but a can of spray paint is absolutely astounding. Unfortunately, they do it on some of the worst places, which may just be the point of it all. Sadly, basically every monument we saw had some form of marking on it, whether it was stupid tourists, feeling the need to scratch their names into various walls, or sub-cultured graffiti artists, almost nothing in that city has escaped unblemished. One can maybe draw all sorts of cultural commentaries from that, but I will refrain for the moment of going too far with that. However, Berlin is a city that has waded its way through some of the darkest hours in history, and although it has survived, one can definitely still see the scars.
I have not had a chance to download my 2400 pictures yet, so this is not a picture of mine, but they will be coming soon.
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