
Long Gone...

Well, so, once again I must explain why I have been gone for so long. Last week I was home for Spring Break, which was absolutely wonderful. So wonderful, I didn't find the time to post anything. However, on my 6-hour drive back to school I had great and glorious plans for all the updates I was going to make once I got back, only to find that my school had totally changed over wireless networks...as a result, my computer (being temperamental) has decided not to accept the change and has refused to log onto the internet since. So, I make this post from remote places (my roommate's computer) and I hope to be back "home" soon.

As I was reading through one of my books today, I found a quote that, quite frankly struck me. You know one of those phrases, quotations, etc. that you read and it's so stunning you pause, then you read it again, and maybe one more time for good measure, and then only then do you begin to comprehend all that it actually says. I read one such quote today on the Lord that caught my eye by Theophilus of Antioch. It reads:

"For in glory He is incomprehensible, in greatness unfathomable, in height inconceivable, in power incomparable, in wisdom unrivaled, in goodness inimitable, in kindness unutterable."

May you be stunned by the Lord today in all that He is and all that He has done.

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