
The Voice of My Heart

Although I am not known for my lack of words, there are moments where I find myself just simply without them.  This may be as a result of my indifference to the subject in question, or really that I just don't feel the need to communicate.  Lately, I have been wanting to get back to blogging; however, I inevitably question my reasoning behind it.  Yet, last night I was reading Sir Philip Sidney for my Renaissance, non-Shakespeare, literature course and came across a line I found to be profound.   This one sentence comes from Sidney's sonnet sequence Astrophel & Stella, and states: 

Fool, said my Muse to me, looke in thy heart, and write.

Simple enough, but I believe Sidney touched on something profound for those of who are infatuated with words.  I say infatuated, because that is precisely what I mean.  There are some people that are just consumed, haunted, and fixated by words, I am one of them.  They fascinate me.  Their formation, their meanings, their structure, no matter what language, I love words.  And so, inevitably, if one looks in a heart or soul, like mine, you are bound to find nothing but those strange things we refer to as "words"

Thus, I have to write.  Not for anyone in particular, not to be published someday, not for anything other than it is the expression of my soul.  And even though that expression may not be polished, intellectual, or sophisticated, I really don't mind...the purpose of the words I may write is simply for them to be...

As Confucius said, "Words are the voice of my heart."

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