
Why blog?

So, yesterday began the new semester...It will be a lot more intense than the last one, but I am very excited to see what's in store...

Just a thought for today for my fellow bloggers. I am in a class this semester called Technology and American Society. Basically, this class covers the evolution and current roles and practices of communication and information technologies. We will be studying the various mass communication media and their influence and impact on society and culture, and, in turn, what effects these are having on the business, political, and economic systems of the U.S. As a result, we will study everything from blogging and podcasting, to major news networking and advertising. As we were discussing this in class, I was thinking about the major blogging boom that has occurred in recent years. All of sudden, everyone who is anyone has a blog, and they are used for everything from expressing ideas to just providing information about people, places, or things. While I sat contemplating, a fellow classmate of mine brought the question up to our teacher - "Why blog? Why spend time doing that if you're not someone of importance?" Then, the wheels began to turn and churn...Why do we blog, fellow bloggers? Why do we spend a few minutes, or large amounts of time in some cases, expressing and communicating our ideas into this small text box, then launching it out into cyberspace, sometimes with no guarantees it will even be read? I continued my contemplation as I walked across campus to my next class, which happened to be an Introduction to Historical Study class. In this class, which is a very small group, our professor challenged us all to be active members of the class, not to be passively sit back and accept information but to be active and express our opinions in class. And then...it came...the answer to my question...our professor tells us that we need to be free to communicate our ideas and then he suddenly states, "The greatest ideas in the world don't mean anything if they never get outside the thinker's head." There you have it...not that my ideas are the greatest ideas in the world, but in this process of blogging, I believe we reach a whole different level of thinking and analyzing by expressing our ideas through words...sending them out with no criticism, no judgment, which can free us to think and express bigger and even greater things. A few years ago I would have never dreamed of blogging and even when I did begin, no one knew about it, it was just freeing for me to have the ability to do it. Out of that has grown a greater confidence for me to express my opinions and beliefs, not necessarily to an end or purpose but for my own benefit. So, I encourage you, my fellow bloggers, my fellow thinkers...Express yourselves! Think out loud! Dare to explore ideas! More people may benefit than you think...

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