
A Prayer

God Almighty...
I praise you this day for Your marvelous works. The work of Your hands amazes me every day. The sky, the grass, the trees, the mountains, the oceans, Lord, You made them all, You are awesome.
You speak and mountains move, You call out and oceans split in two, You whisper and a mighty, rushing wind ensues.
Your works are marvelous, O Lord God Almighty!

My God the Healer...

O Lord, you are the Great Physician, emotionally, spiritually, and physically, you are the one who has all the answers to my illnesses.
You are the great Physician, the one who heals affliction, commands sickness to be gone with a whisper...
You are the great Comforter, the One who heals the broken hearts, mends the wounded spirits, restores bruised souls, You are the Great Counselor...

My Father God...
Abba, help me to receive your grace, your forgiveness, your love. Help me to rest in your loving arms.
Help me to know that You are all I need, You are all-sufficient. For every problem I have, every hurt I have sustained, every load that I carry, no matter how seemingly large or small, like a little child I run to You...with my arms outstretched, reaching out for Your arms to hold me, love me, comfort me, wipe the tears from my eyes...
You are my Abba Father, You will always be with me, You will never forsake me...

Yeshua, My Savior...
You are my Redeemer...you saved me from my sin...you paid the price, the ultimate price, so that I might spend forever with You in eternity! O God My Savior, how can I ever thank you enough for dying, dying so that I might live...

Majestic and humble, awesome and loving, wonderful and amazing, Savior and friend...My words will never suffice, will never express the wonder of God...And so I join the heavenly hosts in an everlasting song...

Holy! Holy! Holy! Is the Lord God Almighty! Who was and is, and is to come!